Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X 1x3 "Your Job is Recon" live blogging

Hannah is feeling a little guilty, over at Camp Millennials, about siding with the Triforce at tribal council.  Zeke is feeling vulnerable, and really doesn't want to talk to Hannah.  Fun TV!  Adam (WHO TYPICALLY TALKS IN ALL CAPS, in case you were wondering who he is) is also feeling vulnerable.  He is not currently speaking in all caps.  Now it certainly looks out of the two of them, Adam has a better shot at getting back into a good position in the game, because he's not merely freaking out like Zeke is...

Over at Camp Gen X, they for some reason chant "red sky at night..."  David talks about "hope for me."  Paul feels really good after his medical scare.  Something horrible is probably going to happen to him again.  "I think I'm really good."  He doesn't catch anything.  That counts as horrible, right?  Ken suggests that Paul is probably an idiot (in so many words).  He doesn't get how people like to make idiotic alliances when good folk like him can't get ahead.

Four members from both tribes get to intermingle with the other tribe.  Will, Jay, Taylor, & Figgy are Millennials spies.  (Will and the Triforce!  Sounds like a CCR song!)  David, Chris, Paul, and CeCe are Gen X spies!  "Clear eyes and a cold heart."  Chris could be another one to watch.  David, don't misplay this.  This would be the classic moment where someone like him would screw it up by suggesting he's open to consider alliances in the other tribe.  Paul is in a rock band!  Actually, he's just about the right age to be in a rock band, isn't he?  By the way, these eight are intermingling with each other.  David predictably suggests he should look for alliances with the Millenials.  Don't screw it up, Dave!  David and the Triforce?  Would Paul be able to vouch for that as a Creedence Clearwater Revival-type song?

So the Gen X spies return.  David really thinks Taylor completes him.  CeCe says she told the Millennials that Ken was humble.  Ken is also told he was referred to as Ken Doll.  He says this wouldn't be the first time.  He is not amused.  He again calls Paul incompetent.  He's fixating.  Fixating isn't good unless you can get the votes.  What happened with the David alliance?  And it's not looking good for Ken.

Triforce!  Adam doesn't agree that Triforce is as awesome as Triforce thinks it is.  He targets Figgy, regardless of whether or not she has her own brand of pudding.  He's going about things smarter than Ken.  He's at least got Michaela willing to listen to him. 

Immunity/reward challenge time!  Lots of camp comforts on the line!  Lots of fun posts to go under/over, a Survivor staple sort of challenge, complete with balance beams.  CeCe has the option to let someone go for her, but decides to stay in the challenge.  Pretty much the opposite of Taylor, who's a "workhorse."  So then it becomes Boom Blox.  Using that description, is it surprising to hear the Millennials are good at this, too?  But Ken is pretty good for Gen X.  Then Zeke & Michelle work on a puzzle.  David & Sunday get to get into it quicker than expected thanks to Ken.  Millennials help their puzzle people.  Gen X believe they'll only screw their people up.  Millennials win!

Millennials want fishing gear instead of camp comforts.  Jeff says he'll discuss it.  Apparently it was a dialogue between tribes.  Michaela refers to Gen X as parent figures.  CeCe is targeted because of her poor, poor performance.  Plus, they were probably going to target her anyway, right?

So they continue talking about CeCe as the target.  It's all about challenge performance, seemingly.  Certainly not because she isn't in the six-person alliance, right?  David talks strategy with Ken, once again targeting Paul.  I mean, he's been talking about it all episode, right?  Classic editing strategy, presenting two seemingly equal targets, planting doubt in the mind of fans.  The Gen X Six is such a boring alliance.  Some of them have to realize they're way down on the bottom, right?  So the girls immediately start talking about that.  Jessica seems to be just below the guys in terms of calling shots.  Get rid of Paul.  It'll keep things interesting!

Tribal council!  Jeff asks David about the spy summit.  David immediately throws himself under the bus, admitting it wasn't such a bad thing talking with the enemy.  CeCe talks about the three people who mathematically cannot be part of the Gen X Six.  Jeff rubs it in that the Millennials sucked a lot less at the challenge.  He's so happy about how well the Millennials did!  Gen X somehow doesn't take it personally.  He then asks about texting.  "You can change with us or you can be an old fogey."  (For the record, I spell everything out in texts.  Am I part of Gen X???)  He asks about paranoia, somehow doesn't immediately address David.  But he does asks Paul.  He absolutely does not see his possible imminent doom coming.  Figures!  Ken talks about being a potential asset.  If Paul knew what Ken was talking about with cameras pointed at him this episode, he'd be paranoid.  Why would they show David with some kind of expectation of using his hidden immunity idol?  Paul and CeCe get votes, obviously.  Paul's gone!  Rock on, Paul!  (Blindside!)  Bret now defaults to meaningless leader of the Gen X Six!

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