Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X 1x4 "Who's the Sucker at the Table?" live blogging thoughts

Gen X fallout!  Chris is "pissed off."  He thought about sabotaging rice.  Why do they always think about sabotage?  Lucy wonders if the de facto women's alliance was a good thing or not.  She doesn't trust Jessica.  So, probably no women's alliance going on here.  She thinks Ken & David are basically in her pocket, and says so to Bret and Chris.  This basically means the power really is shifting to Ken & David.

Millennials hunt pig!  Cue Lord of the Flies references!  Also, Adam really has calmed down.  He's no longer habitually SPEAKING IN ALL CAPS.  He also finds a clue for a hidden immunity idol.  He wisely chooses to bide his time.  I'm officially abandoning Zeke as my non-Triforce (read: Michelle) favorite from this tribe in favor of Adam.

Reward challenge!  Millennials surprised Paul was voted out.  They're playing for food.  Interesting to see tiny David walking alongside gigantic Chris at the start of a water keep-away challenge.  These two get to finish the challenge for their team, too.  But Jay and Zeke seem to figure them out, leading to war!  Gen X wins!  Jeff is nearly swept away!  Dramatic! 

Zeke observes that Chris is huge.  He also calls Michaela an Amazon.  It may or may not be worth noting she lost her top during the challenge, was all Rich Hatch about it.  Adam decides he should look for the hidden immunity idol.  He finds it.  Hannah stumbles in on him, or so he certainly fears.  (That makes him sound insane, I realize.)  He talks about his mom's lung cancer.  So now it really seems as if this dude has a shot at the title, given an increasingly sympathetic edit. 

Gen X cooks up their reward challenge bounty.  David speaks with Lucy.  Lucy is far too willing to flip alliances to be trusted far, but she's someone who can be used.  She says the target is Jessica.  She's basically mad at Jessica for trying to do what she's trying to do, which is what they hated about Paul...

Immunity challenge!  Obstacle/word puzzle.  Looking at Figgy getting ready to compete reminds me that we basically have seen nothing from Triforce this episode.  Adam has totally dominated the Millennials edit this week, anyway.  You can probably assume they're winning the challenge, no matter how well Gen X does early in the challenge.  I've also realized this episode that Chris is basically Kevin McKidd (Rome, Grey's Anatomy).  Puzzle portion takes forever.  Zeke helps Figgy and Michelle figure out what they and Michaela were trying to find in the pieces.  Easy win to call, given the edit. 

Chris, who keeps appearing in this episode, despite the fact he has no chance of winning, is flummoxed about what happens to Gen X next.  Lucy, who also has no chance of winning, keeps appearing, too.  Ken & David, who have a future, talk.  They haven't been in enough of this episode.  It's amazing how savvy David has gotten.  He targets Lucy.  Case in point.  She's just not worth the hassle.  Jessica, meanwhile, hasn't been near as half-cocked.  They turn to her.  This is the future of Gen X right here.  As long as Jessica figures out this is in her best interest.  Which of course she doesn't.  This is the future of Gen X: further implosion.  Ken is shocked that stupid people act stupidly.  Ken is starting to act less smartly.  But David is still playing it cool.  Cool Hand David!  Who would've thought?  Don't save Jessica, David!  It's not worth it!  Save your future, wait for tribe shuffles!

Tribal council!  Jeff asks David whether the last one helped the tribe come together.  Of course not, Jeff, of course not!  Chris calls the state of the tribe "complete chaos."  He and Bret just have to sit back and watch the fireworks at this point.  Lucy talks about insecurity, mostly because people won't just shut up and listen to her.  Throws Ken under the bus.  Thinks men will just shut up and appreciate her.  (This is not a criticism of sex.  But certainly she seems to think she will earn respect by behaving as she thinks men want her to act.)  Jessica also throws Ken under the bus.  "It's a live tribal."  David: the philosopher of Gen X!  Chris utters the title of the episode.  The sucker, at the moment, seems to be Ken.  He votes for Jessica.  That seems about right.  Of her and Lucy, she's less predictable.  I realized CeCe hasn't factored into this episode at all.  David plays his hidden immunity idol for Jessica.  Will this pan out???  Chaos!  Chaos!  Jessica is clearly shocked.  Will make things very interesting for this tribe...Tons of votes toward Jessica, that don't count.  CeCe and Lucy get the other votes, with Lucy going home...

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