This just in: David is a puppy. And still the most neurotic member of Gen X. But proud owner of a hidden immunity idol! He was at a nadir, and now at a zenith...
Is anyone surprised that the term "love goggles" pops up in the Millennials, and specifically from the Triforce? Figgy loves Taylor! Kissy face! Zeke thinks it's a bad idea, that they're not taking the game seriously. Jay (Triforce!) thinks Figgy and Taylor are making a mistake, too..."Like a bull's-eye for a nuclear missile."
Ken caught an octopus??? "Octopus Prime." Ken hooks up with David. Officially putting both in a good position in this game. "We're on opposite sides of the science spectrum." (You can guess who said that.) David tells him about the hidden immunity idol.
Mari explains that Millennials have screens in front of them a lot. Thanks, Mari. Thanks for that newsflash. Michaela (did I even mention her last time?) seems like she might be thinking strategically. But she may not know how to actually behave in a strategic manner. ADAM CONTINUES TO SPEAK IN ALL CAPS.
Paul wants to be in control. Probably won't be in control for too long. He in fact is immediately targeted. Shocking, I know. Then, medical issues. So bottom line, be very, very careful about cocky statements in this game, folks. Is that really such a hard thing to figure out, thirty-three seasons in?
He's suffering from heat exhaustion and dehydration. Doesn't get evacuated. David immediately admits he thought that would've been good for him. And so he now thinks Paul should leave anyway, at tribal council.
Challenge! Immunity/reward. Water. (As usual, I won't describe the challenge further. These things need to be seen for yourself.) "Zeke is killing it." David, not so much. Millennials get a good lead. CeCe helps Gen X get back in it. "The Millennials have given up a huge lead." Gen X wins! Does that make Triforce vulnerable???
Triforce is a Legend of Zelda reference, by the way. It kind of figures. Zeke explains that Figgy is the target. But, but...if she eats pudding, then an old timey Christmas reference would make sense again! Jay explains that officially the "trifecta" included him and Team Kissy Face (what about Michelle???). Michelle kind of immediately points that out. She then figures out Mari needs to be addressed as a threat. Then Jay explains what Zeke has been saying. Stupid Zeke! You can't become a target this early! But basically, everyone's being discussed as a problem in this tribe. Speaks really well for its future! I just love that Figgy is the name of someone competing this season.
Tribal council! Adam is called on. Doesn't speak in all caps! Of course Jeff calls on Mari to represent the Millennials. Zeke talks. He kind of looks like Jack Black, now that I've been watching him a couple weeks. Adam discusses Michaela. Wasn't she the one talking about how strategic she was? Really doesn't seem that way, Michaela. Hannah talks about Team Kissy Face. Whispers about voting for Mari. But who will make obvious statements about Millennials clichés??? Zeke: "Ah, it's definitely not good." (Team Kissy Face.) "Miss Cuddleshack." (Michaela's name for Figgy.) This season is gold for nicknames! Hannah makes herself sound silly. "Did I miss an entire conversation?" (Jeff.) Michelle talks about Figgy needing to feel scared. Michelle and Hannah continue to whisper. Mari has no idea they're talking about her. (Michelle is definitely seeming like the Triforce member most likely to make it far in the game.) Zeke's vote for Figgy is shown. Figgy's vote for Mari is shown. Hannah is the swing vote. She was calling herself an outcast last episode. Figures. Vote, Hannah, vote! "She still hasn't voted." She votes!
The votes are split, predictably, between Figgy and Mari. Mari is voted out. Not too surprising. Thank you, Hannah! "Very clear that the enthusiasm on this tribe is only overshadowed by the gameplay." (Nice pun, Jeff, after voting out the gamer.)
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