Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X 1x6 "The Truth Works Well" live blogging updates

The Green Tribe becomes the Jay Story once we learn there's more to him than merely the Triforce, including a lot of mommy love.  Plus a hidden immunity idol!  Michaela is less enthusiastic about the turn in his fortunes, however.  That about sums her up.  Less enthusiastic.

Reward challenge!  Figgy is happy Michelle wasn't voted out.  Michelle thinks "the truth works well in this game," which Jeff says is probably the first time that's ever been said in this game.  Blindfold challenge!  Always fun to watch them blunder about.  Food reward.  Don't gorge, you idiots!  Lots of shouted instructions.  I would absolutely hate participating in this challenge, either as the caller or blindfolded saps.  Figgy, one of the callers, laughs when she sees someone run into something.  They probably don't notice, right?  Apparently even the puzzle is solved with instructions from the caller giving instructions to blindfolded saps.  Hannah, who is sitting out the challenge, seems to possibly need medical attention.  Michelle and Zeke win!  Hannah not doing as well.  Jay and Michaela win second place.  Figgy not happy.  Medical called in to look at Hannah.  Sounds like she merely got too caught up in the suspense of the challenge.  That's a first. Figgy feels bad about losing the challenge.

Orange Tribe talks about how much they love Michelle.  Zeke still talks about how she should be voted out, too.  Zeke talks about giving up on the Millennials, which he kind of already did.

Hannah talks about insecurities.  Who does she think she is, David? 

Dorky coconut song singing at Purple Tribe.  Taylor and Figgy still Team Kissy Face.  They believe they have Adam in their pocket.  Jessica totally figure out Figgy and Taylor have a thing going on.  Ken also figured it out.  Figgy may not be the sharpest bamboo on the island. 

Immunity challenge!  Ends with a tilting table maze.  It occurs to me that David really hasn't been featured this episode at all.  This is sad.  If I were a betting man, I would probably put money in Purple Tribe attending tribal council this episode, which makes Figgy's comment about winning first place this challenge all the more ironic.  There's also far too few challenges involving coconuts.  I love random thoughts!  Very difficult tilting table maze portion to do with two people, possibly because they're also balancing on pegs.  Hannah has to contend with a difficult-to-contend-with Michaela.  They still win first place.  Michaela starts giving advice to Michelle and Zeke.  They win second place!  My prediction comes true!  Beware, Figgy!  Your pudding may be cooked!  Jeff asks Michaela why she was supporting Michelle and Zeke.  She says because they're the lone Millennials on that tribe, while there are three in Purple Tribe.  Or maybe she just wants Figgy gone?

Adam talks in near-ALL CAPS, but for him it's still progress.  He wonders if he should side with Gen X or Millennials.  Millennials target Ken.  Taylor suspects Adam may side with Gen X.  Adam is making his conflict too obvious.  Jessica realizes she needs Ken to stay around.  This may not be the smartest tribe.  Ken makes a hard sell for Adam's loyalty.  Adam does not speak in all caps (see? no caps!).  He immediately begins talking louder in his next interview. 

Tribal council!  Jeff asks if Gen X is feeling vulnerable.  Of course they are!  But Figgy wonders if all things are peachy in Millennials.  Adam talks about Team Kissy Face.  Figgy kind of permanently laughs, doesn't she?  Jeff offers to have them married.  Taylor kind of is surprised when Figgy suggests they maybe should.  Taylor goes back to cockiness.  Jeff points out Adam being in the middle.  Taylor suggests him voting against Millennials this time would doom him in the future.  Figgy talks about keeping the numbers in mind.  Adam says he "genuinely" likes who he's voting to eliminate tonight.  Probably doesn't really help to say such things, Adam.  (Who is still refraining from speaking in all caps.)  Ken and Figgy garner votes.  Figgy is voted out.  Nailed it.  Adam whispers (whispers! such range!) to Taylor that he'll explain if he can.  Figgy cries on the way out. 

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