The 33rd season of Survivor begins with Jeff Probst's introduction to Fiji (where we've definitely been before). This latest visit is also the show's latest "culture war."
Taylor calls himself a Peter Pan type.
Mari plays video games.
Zeke hates technology (but is still on Twitter).
Charles is an attorney, says the older generation knows how to get back up.
Sunday says the younger folk are slackers.
David is a TV writer, thinks younger people are more apt to merely look for a new dream when confronted with adversity...
Cue the credits!
Jeff splits up the tribes! Takali (purple buffs) is Gen X, Vanua (orange buffs) is Millennials.
Will newsflash: war between generations! Holy crap! He's also 18 years old, still in high school. You now officially feel old: he was born in 1997.
Paul was born in 1963, the oldest player this season. "Only the winners got a trophy."
CeCe: "[Millennials] don't work for anything."
Tribes must now decide to scavenge for long-term versus short-term items...Two minutes! People grabbing stuff like mad! "The Millennials: half of their tribe making one decision!" (Jeff.) Jessica finds a secret envelope. Gen X grabs fishing gear, but not chickens. (Better than counting them, anyway.) Millennials do exactly the opposite. (Hopefully don't count them.) Jeff reviews. Apparently chickens lay eggs. Jeff ominously suggests bad weather ahead...
"This is the best generation ever."
Adam: "Everyone was so excited." Millennials will be vindicated! Introductions all around. Shelter begins! Taylor: "I've got an awesome tribe." Indicates a potential alliance with Jay, Figgy, and Michelle. Zeke has a mustache. "I'm an eighty-year-old-man. I'm on a tribe of children." Etc. (Will be lots of fun around camp...)
Paul expects everyone to be like him. "Strong opinions...sound decision-making." He believes the odds will be ever in Gen X's favor. Others think otherwise. Ken is that other. Might be setting himself up for trouble. Jessica discusses her mystery envelope. "The Legacy Advantage." She can give it to someone else if voted out. On Day 36 she would be given an advantage.
Don't name the chickens! Figgy is a flirty girl! She's kind of going for the Amber strategy? "The Triforce" is already extremely cocky. Newsflash! Hot girls are hot. Babies sleep like crap. Hannah is feeling like an outcast already. Michelle should not give a Bible to Rudy.
"How far down is not that far?" "...Six inches." "Rachel is definitely overeager." (And probably in trouble.) David is probably going to be miserable, except as a player. Might be a lot of fun to watch, anyway. Has someone found a hidden immunity idol? David thinks so: Ken and Paul. (It could be jerky, David.) "He's trying way too hard." Translation: he's trying way too hard. And is on the wrong tribe.
Adam worries about the Millennials camp. "Are we going naked?" Talk about Gen X versus Millennials philosophy. Will talks about the shelter not actually being built yet, at night. He thinks it could be the worst shelter in the history of Survivor. (Rupert's tribemates would disagree.) "We're so screwed." Hannah talks about a long night. Sounds like Survivor to me!
Gen X didn't have a great night, either. It rained and rained. "It never stopped!" Treemail! And a package! A tarp! (A temporary gift.) Chris doesn't remember any tribe ever getting a tarp. (Pretty sure it never happened, Chris.)
The Millennials get one, too. They know the tarp is an ominous gift, too. Zeke rates camp at "pig pen level." He doesn't know a tsunami is literally going to evacuate everyone in the near future. Jeff visits! He tells them the storm has been upgraded to a cyclone. Then tells them about the evacuation. Apparently they realize has never been done before. Adam talks very loud, in sound bytes. Should be fun to listen to this season!
Jeff next visits Gen X. Then: the filming crew! He lets them know what he just told the Millennials: that he has to remain impartial. Also, that they're evacuating. Rachel is not surprised about devastating weather. (A witch!)
And now we're on the Weather Channel.
And now we return to our regularly scheduled panicking about how the camps did during the cyclone. Gen X kind of freaks out. They get back to work. David admits he's terrible at...physical things. He says he's neurotic. Really??? Walking stick attacks him!!! He still believes in himself! Starts looking for a hidden immunity idol. People notice. They suggest he may be the target if they end up at tribal council.
Millennials camp is still a mess. Zeke leads building of second shelter. He admits he doesn't know anything. Declares himself leader! Doesn't seem to be domineering about it. He helps make fire. Editing makes him sound like an ideal person to root for. So far. (This is the first episode.) More talk about the Triforce. (What is this, Big Brother???) Hannah feels threatened by the Triforce. (Who also make a dorky triangle hand gesture, by the way. Captain Planet!) The others are bonding over the threat of the Triforce. (Which has...four members.)
Already at Day 4! Challenge time! Both tribes brought their tarps back. Jeff is pleased. He talks about the challenge, which involves a war club. More challenges should involve war clubs. It ends with a puzzle. Taking shortcuts means adding pieces to the puzzle. He suggests people good at challenges should not worry about such things. Easy for him to say! (As a rule, I do not recap challenges. These babies need to be seen for yourself.)
Gen X takes a shortcut. Millennials don't. Jeff calls Gen X's choice wise, "given the size of the bodies." He's so nice! Gen X takes another shortcut. He observes that the Millennials should maybe take shortcuts. Which they do, with the second one. So now they work on puzzles, and Gen X has more pieces. David & Rachel, Michelle & Figgy work on the puzzles. Jeff observes that David & Rachel blew the advantage. Gen X switches out. (This is not good for David.) Triforce represents! Millennials win first immunity challenge! (Hannah does not particularly look like an outcast anymore.)
Gen X will probably target David. Or Rachel.
Gen X shocked they lost to Millennials. Fixate on Rachel. They think they were right there in the physical aspects of the challenge (overlooking the two shortcuts). David fears for his life in the tribe. Gives up his vote. Admits he doesn't have a hidden immunity idol. People think he has one. But he's talking with people. A big clot of this tribe is aligned. For now. CeCe and Rachel may form a tiny clot.
On to tribal council...Jeff calls on Jessica to represent. Bret is called on. David. "Oh crap." He's scared of everything! CeCe. Sunday. They talk about David. Chris talks. He talks about paranoia. They haven't even mentioned the Millennials! Rachel fears for her life in the tribe. Jeff asks Jessica about idols. (Does he know she has that advantage?) David's idol thoughts...
Time to vote! Bret looks at David when Jeff asks about having a hidden immunity idol. Sunday and David get votes, but CeCe and Rachel are the big vote-getters. Rachel is voted out. Clearly David's strategy of making his insecurities known has worked so far. Jeff talks about Gen X. End of episode!
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