originally aired 9/18/2003-12/14/2003
- Nicole (Morgan) Expendable in a season of pirates.
- Ryan S. (Morgan) Played in a season of pirates.
- Lilian (Morgan) This is where she should have stayed, rather than her grossly emotional nature making to the final thanks to the Outcast tribe.
- Burton (Drake) An alpha male playing Survivor gets voted out somehow.
- Michelle (Drake) On the wrong side of numbers.
- Trish (Drake) On the wrong side of numbers.
- Shawn (Drake) On the wrong side of numbers.
- Osten (Morgan) The first player to quit. Lesson learned: prepare a body like that a little better, because it will only betray you in the game.
- Andrew (Morgan) One of my favorites, got on the wrong side of numbers and couldn't convince anyone (Rupert) to see it any other way.
- Ryan O. (Morgan) On the wrong side of numbers.
- Rupert (Drake) Lived and died on his exuberant emotions, became one of the most popular players ever, played like a pirate, had no working strategy to win.
- Tijuana (Morgan) Wrong side of the numbers.
- Christa (Drake) Wrong side of the numbers.
- Burton (Drake) Voted out again because he still couldn't figure out how to play well with others.
- Darrah (Morgan) A patented Survivor sweetheart.
- Jon (Drake) "Jonny Fairplay" is one of the most memorable players ever, not the least for his "dead grandmother." Remarkably still not the least likable player of the season.
- Lilian (Morgan) You wear the scout costume you stick by the scout costume.
- Sandra (Drake) The luckiest winner in Survivor history, not just because she won this season but got to play another season exactly like it, and won that one, too. Otherwise a pretty thoroughly unremarkable player.
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